

1. 域分类

  • user domain
  • local domain
  • system domain
  • network domain

2. 文件夹分类

2.1. Standard folders

Directory Description
/Applications Self explanatory, this is where your Mac’s applications are kept
/Developer The Developer directory appears only if you have installed Apple’s Developer Tools, and no surprise, contains developer related tools, documentation, and files.
/Library Shared libraries, files necessary for the operating system to function properly, including settings, preferences, and other necessities (note: you also have a Libraries folder in your home directory, which holds files specific to that user).
/Network largely self explanatory, network related devices, servers, libraries, etc
/System System related files, libraries, preferences, critical for the proper function of Mac OS X
/Users All user accounts on the machine and their accompanying unique files, settings, etc. Much like /home in Linux
/Volumes Mounted devices and volumes, either virtual or real, such as hard disks, CD’s, DVD’s, DMG mounts, etc

2.2. Posix or Unix directories

Directory Description
/ Root directory, present on virtually all UNIX based file systems. Parent directory of all other files
/bin Essential common binaries, holds files and programs needed to boot the operating system and run properly
/etc Machine local system configuration, holds administrative, configuration, and other system files
/dev Device files, all files that represent peripheral devices including keyboards, mice, trackpads, etc
/usr Second major hierarchy, includes subdirectories that contain information, configuration files, and other essentials used by the operating system
/sbin Essential system binaries, contains utilities for system administration
/tmp Temporary files, caches, etc
/var Variable data, contains files whose contents change as the operating system runs

2.3. Other directories

  • /Volumes
  • /cores
  • /private

3. 组合结果

macOS Standard folders:例如 /Library Posix or Unix directories:例如 /bin Other directories:例如 /Volumes
network domain
system domain /System/Library /bin
user domain /Library /usr/bin
local domain /Users/username/Library /usr/local/bin

4. 值得注意的文件夹

一级路径 二级路径 介绍 举例
/Users/xxx /Users/xxx 各种用户常用的文件夹 /Users/xxx/Desktop 是桌面文件夹
/Users/xxx/Library 各种应用的缓存、插件、数据 /Users/chenzz/Library/Mail 保存邮件缓存
/Users/xxx/Library/Containers 各种应用的缓存 /Users/chenzz/Library/Containers/com.tencent.WeWorkMac 保存企业微信的缓存
/Users/xxx/Library/Application Support 各种应用的插件 /Users/chenzz/Library/Application Support/JetBrains 保存IDEA的各种插件信息
/usr/local /usr/local/bin 常用命令的文件夹 /usr/local/bin/docker-compose 是快捷方式,指向 /Applications/
/usr/local/Cella brew下载各种软件的路径
/Library /Java/JavaVirtualMachines 各种JDK的安装路径
/Application Surpport/BootCamp bootcamp下载windows插件的路径

5. 参考

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